Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is a modality within Traditional Chinese medicine that stretches back over 2,500 years. In actual fact Chinese herbal medicine could be considered as the oldest continually practiced medical profession worldwide.
Suzanne studied Chinese herbal medicine after practicing as an acupuncturist for a few years. The diagnostic skills required to practice it are the same ones used in Acupuncture. The herbs have all different qualities and energetics to them and it depends on sound diagnosis to dispense them to the patient. The principle of treating as an individual’different person same disease’ is core to the individual designing of the prescription therefore creating an effective treatment that creates the natural balance and harmony within the body.
Suzanne uses Chinese Herbal Medicine for many problems ranging from auto immune issues, infertility cases, menstrual irregularities, gynae problems, menopause, fatigue, thrush,colds, flus and coughs to mention a few. She can use it seperately but it is often in conjunction with acupuncture treatments too.
The traditional manner of taking the herbs is in a raw form that requires the patient to boil them up and then drink it as a tea over a period of time. The other forms available are powders, capsules or granule form. The latter is a preferred method as it requires no preparation and is easily carried throughout the day.
Suzanne has met the required level of standards and education to practice is insured and maintains her herbal ills through continual professional education.